Frequently asked

Get a better picture of what you can achieve with this starter kit and template.


Frequently asked

Get a better picture of what you can achieve with this starter kit and template.


Frequently asked

Get a better picture of what you can achieve with this starter kit and template.


Frequently asked

Get a better picture of what you can achieve with this starter kit and template.


What is the primary function of this template?

How can curators monetize their work using this template?

How can content be added to the site?

What steps are needed to get started with the site?

The upvotes on the 4th view, how does this work?

Managing Forms: How-to

Can I customize the appearance of my content?

How can I engage with my audience?

Is there a feature to highlight community contributors or sponsors?

What are the costs associated with running the site?

If I opt for the free version, can I still share my site with others?

Frequently asked

Unlock the Power of Seamless Content Curation with Our Template! Designed specifically for content curators, our template empowers you to publish, manage, and monetize your curated work through an elegant, customizable, and interactive platform. Engage your audience, collaborate with your community, and open doors to various monetization avenues, all while ensuring a smooth user experience for your visitors!


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